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Fromage vegan compiegne

Fromage vegan compiegne; Le «vromage», vous connaissez? Il s’agit de fromage vegan, fabriqué à base de noix de cajou, de lait d’amande, de graines de tournesol et de riz. La société Jay & Joy, basée dans le XIe arrondissement de Paris, en a fait son spécialité depuis 2015. Un pari osé dans un pays comme la France, troisième producteur mondial de fromages. Ces produits, distribués dans près de mille points de vente en France, ont trouvé leur cible.

Fromage vegan compiegne
Fromage vegan compiegne

Joséphine, Jean, Jil or even Joy

The people who live in Compiégnois will get familiar with such a large number of first names. They are the ones that have the potential to make the area stand out throughout the whole nation. They all correspond to a different “vromage” kind that will be made by the Jay & Joy firm in Lacroix-Saint-Ouen, which is scheduled to open at the beginning of the year 2020.

Vromage is quite similar to cheese, yet it does not contain even a single drop of animal milk. Mary Carmen Iriarte Jahnke, the manager of the firm, argues that they have too much respect for cheese to term their goods cheese.

A pair that has been captivated by the neighborhood
Compignois, on the other hand, faced rivalry from the likes of Sarthe, Brittany, Aisne, and even Beauvais. However, the fact that the station of the imperial city is linked to Paris, the local interest in innovation, the closeness of the A1, and even the wide open areas are all in line with the couple’s way of life and have persuaded them to move there.

“I want to warn you that we are going to move to Compiègne,” says Mary. I have already found the Veneurs neighborhood, which is a really pleasant neighborhood, and we can ride our bikes to work thanks to the extensive network of cycle routes! »

Vegans who have an unhealthy obsession with cheese
The next ten years of living in Paris are coming to a close. When the pair made the decision to stop eating any animal products five years ago, everything began. Eric, Mary’s partner, says that they just could not function properly without cheese.

After that, she received instruction from a seasoned cheesemaker. “He was taken aback, intrigued, and delighted to learn that you and I share the same enthusiasm. Additionally, we uphold the value of handiwork.

The around ten farmers who make their living in the Oise department are hardly likely to take a pessimistic view of this newcomer. “There is place for everyone, and local creamers are seeing high demand,” the author writes. We at the Chamber of Agriculture are certain that this new development will not result in any complications.

Indeed, the raw material used at Jay & Joy is of the highest quality and is, of course, organic. The addition of spices, cashew nuts, sunflower seeds, and necessary ferments then makes it possible to recreate tastes that are very similar to those of traditional cheeses.

A store in Compiègne with consumers who are already sold on the product
Mary, a former employee in the fashion industry, is able to successfully duplicate the Joséphine, which is the most popular product, via the process of testing. Jeanne, a sort of blue, already has something that might captivate the city of Joan of Arc.

Even before to the couple’s official installation, the Compiégnois were familiar with the newlyweds. People at Compiègne’s Comptoir bio shop, which was previously known as Biocoop, are feeling joyful as a result of the recent arrival of Jay & Joy. According to Jessica, who is in charge of managing the fresh department, “We offered these items for eight months, and they met with a great deal of success.” There isn’t a single week that passes by without someone asking me anything. The flavor is unexpected, but after trying it out for themselves, the consumers were sold. The handcrafted aspect of it is also quite enjoyable. «

There is nothing out of the usual about the cost. You should budget between 4 and 6 euros for 100 grams. They may even be evaluated if Jay & Joy is successful in locating Oise-based suppliers. Mary adds, “I dream of producing a cheese with local ingredients,” and she also wants to create a tasting and sales store in Compiègne. “I want of making a cheese with local goods,”

Produced at a rate of 500 kilogram each week

Compiégnois is the location that will be home to the most extensive vegan creamery in all of France. There are eight of us working in a space that is sixty square meters in Paris (11th century). According to the Franco-Venezuelan entrepreneur, who is 35 years old, the company created approximately 12,000 vromages only in the last week. However, the limited space of our premises is acting as a barrier to our expansion.

In France, over 500 kg of vegetable specialty are given weekly among one thousand different retailers. When compared to a year ago, this is significantly increased. This past Monday was the very first time that a delivery was carried out in the country of Belgium.

Six people have been brought on board by the couple who started this remarkable success story, which

est aussi la première crèmerie vegan de France, en seulement trois ans. Il ne compte pas y rester à quelque titre que ce soit. Mary fait l’observation perspicace que “nous profitons de l’essor significatif de l’industrie végétalienne ainsi que de l’explosion des allergies au lait de vache”.

30 emplois pendant trois ans
Le déménagement dans un espace de 450 mètres carrés dans le quartier des Longues-Rayes sera suivi de l’embauche de quatre nouveaux salariés dès le premier jour. D’ici trois ans, l’objectif est d’avoir une trentaine de personnes à nos côtés. Nous recherchons des profils passionnés par cette production spécifique et ayant une expérience professionnelle antérieure dans le secteur culinaire.

Au point de voir encore plus large. D’ici la fin de l’année, un nouveau centre de production de 400 m² s’ouvrira dans le parc d’activités Les Longues Rayes de Lacroix-Saint-Ouen, près de Compiègne. «Avec mon mari, quand on est devenus végétaliens, on s’est vite apercu que nos amis semblaient embêtés quand sonnait l’heure du plateau dé fromages. On ne pouvait rien manger, c’était délicat.»

Mary Jahnke, la créatrice de la société, s’enferme dans sa cuisine et lance les premiers tests. Celle qui travaillait dans la mode se lance dans un univers inconnu : celui du fromage végétalien. «Cela ne concerne pas uniquement les végétaliens mais aussi toutes les personnes intolérantes au lactose.»

Vingt-neuf emplois retenus d’ici cinq ans

La Parisienne suit une formation auprès d’un maître affineur pour apprendre à fabriquer le fromage : « Au début, ils ont cru que c’était impossible et quand ils ont goûté, ils se sont montrés visés. On avait la même passion du fromage.» Tout reste encore à inventer dans ce domaine, tous les fromages n’ont pas encore leur équivalent végétal.

Fromage vegan compiegne
Fromage vegan compiegne

L’avenir lui a donné raison. Son centre de production de 60m² produit 500kg de vromages par semaine, il pourrait passer à 1000kg, une fois installé dans le nouveau bâtiment isarien. D’ici cinq ans, cette société envisage la création de 29 emplois. L’Agglomération de la région de Compiègne a bénéficié à cette création d’emplois en votant une assistance de 43500 euros.

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